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is there any way to get in contact with memotoo? I tried to reach Mr. Pequet for some times and we are a business partner, but I can't reach him.

Kind regards
Janosch Reuschenbach
4 ??? 634 2025-03-13 - 04:04
by Jaweria AdeelSee the post
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Hi, I have organized my family's dates and appointments in a whole bunch of sub calendars (~20 categories).
I would like to share only a part of the calendar, say 3 or 4 of the categories. How can I ...
0 Anna 517 2024-04-05 - 14:55
by AnnaSee the post
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We recently purchased MeMoToo Business version subscription. The GOAL is to create a READ ONLY master contact list. Load it to MeMoToo. Have all of our corporate iPhone's point to that CARDAV (that...
0 R. Whitfield 613 2024-02-09 - 19:57
by R. WhitfieldSee the post
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i was unable to add my account
0 ??? 600 2024-01-05 - 17:59
by ???See the post
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I now classify my contacts into my prepared groups. It works fine. But it is very unpleasant process.

Is it possible to assign ONE group to MORE contacts ALL AT ONCE?

It would help me ...
0 Mirek_mobil 1102 2022-12-18 - 12:33
by Mirek_mobilSee the post
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I have been with Memotoo almost since it began, and it worked fine until recently, when my desktop Mac switched to Big Sur. Since then synchronisation of my contacts no longer happens. I have written ...
0 Constantine 2705 2021-11-22 - 13:48
by ConstantineSee the post
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Basic (Free) package includes "inactivity period of 30 days" statement.

How is inactivity defined? If I have autosync every hour, does it count as activity?
1 Comsec 1031 2021-09-05 - 10:53
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I'd like to share my personal calendar here with my work one (Google), but only share the free/busy information so busy times show up, but don't reveal any information.

I found a way to make the ca...
0 Colan 1542 2020-10-20 - 22:42
by ColanSee the post
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Je dispose d'un vieux agenda numérique (PDA de marque HP, modèle Ipaq 210 Entreprise) avec des milieux de contacts.
Impossible de synchroniser (device non reconnu par Windows), WMDC windows...
0 David 3547 2020-06-11 - 21:27
by DavidSee the post
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Nous utilisons Memotoo depuis longtemps avec Outlook et bientôt nous allons utiliser Exchange Online. Est-il possible de synchroniser un compte Memotoo avec un dossier public d'Exchange ? ...
0 Olef 1409 2020-06-03 - 16:10
by OlefSee the post
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Est-ce que Ootlook synchronise les catégories de calendrier avec Memotoo. Avec la methode Activesync cela ne fonctionne pas.

Bien cordialement.
1 cabinetfv 1610 2020-05-30 - 11:37
by cabinetfvSee the post
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I use EM Client and it sync perfect with Memotoo. But the categories sync doesn't work. When i make a category "important" in memotoo it doesn't show in EM Client.
When I make a new Category in EM Cl...
0 ??? 2353 2020-04-20 - 22:01
by ???See the post
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the app syncs only manually.
please help!
1 michele 7971 2021-01-29 - 12:13
by Wolfgang ExlerSee the post
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Is there a way I can have the agenda - all my events for the following day emailed to me, say 2000 each day pls ?
Any ideas gratefully grabbed.
0 Nick 1408 2019-11-06 - 09:35
by NickSee the post
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I have 6 calendars I wish to bring to one place - memotoo.
This works well with one catch I hope someopne can help me with.
All the calendars events are synced to the same 'my calendar', with t...
0 ??? 1389 2019-11-06 - 09:33
by ???See the post
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I just switched from an iPhone to a Samsung S10.
I tried to download the Memotoo Sync app from the Chrome browser, using the address provided, but it won't download.
Do I need to do something p...
1 rougetaureau 5029 2019-12-19 - 11:00
by GbornSee the post
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how to configure memotoo with "one calendar"

0 Laurent 1779 2019-05-27 - 11:57
by LaurentSee the post
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Google Contacts allows you to add N phones, emails, sites, etc. for each contact (or record).
Each field is divided into two: Type and Value where in the first place the type (Example: Home, Office, ...
0 Stefano Bellinzona 1084 2019-04-10 - 09:28
by Stefano BellinzonaSee the post
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In meinem Kalender haben sich ganztägige Einträge vervielfacht. Doppelte Einträge finden erfassen diese Einträge aber nicht. Zwangssynchronisation vom Handy aus bricht mit einer Fehlermeldung immer ab...
2 ??? 1347 2019-04-14 - 16:57
by DetlefSee the post
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Je ne parviens toujours pas à envoyer les informations de mon calendrier professionnel outlook vers mon calendrier personnel gmail.

Si quelqu'un peut m'aider...

phcook (premium)
1 ??? 1343 2019-04-16 - 12:19
by ???See the post
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J'utilise un compte premium. Dans mon carnet d'adresses , j'ai une vingtaine de groupes. Je voudrais savoir si il est possible de ne partager en lecture seule via un lien HTTP sans authenti...
2 Arnaud A. 1300 2019-04-11 - 15:43
by Arnaud A.See the post
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Hi all,

where is the app gone? I need to setup a new phone. Neither apple nor google store lists the app. Whats going on?
6 ??? 2082 2019-04-07 - 13:06
by mirek_mobilSee the post
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I've been looking for a way to add the Memotoo service as another account in Outlook Mac (2016 or 365) and have attempted all the methods for Outlook 2016 Windows, but it doesn't appear to want to wor...
1 ??? 1979 2018-09-06 - 08:49
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hi, how can i sync the integrated windows 10 calendar with memotoo? The Contacts work, but the calendar doesnt. Thx.
Can be close, was because of the privacy protection of windows
0 ??? 1216 2018-08-15 - 19:04
by ???See the post
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I am trying to set up Memotoo so I can use it for caller ID on my android phone. I have my business contacts in Memotoo, and I am trying to connect
3 ??? 2249 2019-04-27 - 09:30
by Daniel BSee the post
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Hi. Recent and new problem I have.
I have an iPhone 6s with iOs 11.3.1
I sync my contacts with webdav.
Lately, for some weeks, when I create a contact on my iPhone, it appears in Memotoo, but witho...
1 rougetaureau 1571 2018-04-29 - 16:29
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I've installed the memotoo app and made a sync of all, but in my account here on is absolutly nothing to find. No message, no contacts, no notes...
What have I done wrong?
I got ...
1 Max 1672 2018-04-19 - 11:23
by lgunlockSee the post
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Sync with CardBook on Thunderbird works generally, but adds sometimes such words as "INTERNET;WORK:" or "WORK;CELL:", "CHARSET=UTF-8" and so one to some fields in CardBook / Thunderbird before ...
2 hotzenblotz 1680 2018-03-30 - 18:26
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hi, I'm trying to sync my iCloud calendar, but i keep getting this error:

Sync iCloud Calendar: Error: No server calendar to sync - go here to select them:
0 Diego Regini 1287 2018-03-19 - 11:57
by Diego ReginiSee the post
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This makes memotoo on the edge of usability. The only way I can continue is to make a nex contact in a phone and ignore the momotoo contact. The information in memotoo and phone slowly diverges for se...
0 ??? 1399 2018-02-13 - 12:58
by ???See the post
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i testet memotoo with my t-online account. In this accound I have more than one calendars. But sync is only possible with the main-calendar. Is there a possibillity to select spezific calendar...
1 raimund 1618 2018-02-08 - 18:23
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hello, I have a very large contact list (4000= contacts) on memotoo and I have been syncing it with my jolla (sailfish) mobile phone for years, using syncevolution. But I find this somewhat complicate...
1 WolfgangC 1727 2018-11-23 - 10:29
by WolfgangCSee the post
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I wanted to ask if SyncML server filters are supported, e.g. as described here:

e.g.: GROUP&EQ;importGroup

3 Helge 1655 2018-01-05 - 11:10
by HelgeSee the post
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I use a Sony Xperia XZ and have recently run an update on the phone. Everything was working fine until then.
Since the update I cannot access the "Exit contact in... Memotoo" option. I am giv...
0 Leonard 1333 2017-12-24 - 15:51
by LeonardSee the post
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How do I change existing contact in phone? I have Androis (Samsung Edge) The only way I was able to do it is to create new contact and save it to phone, which is NOT synchronized in Memotoo. It is hel...
12 gorn 2272 2019-04-07 - 12:24
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I have two email accounts in Memotoo that I want to remove.

The problem is that I cannot find where to remove the accounts. I can see where to add an email account, but I cannot find where to remo...
2 Robert G. 1877 2018-04-19 - 11:20
by lgunlockSee the post
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Until this morning I could sync my address book on my BlackBerry Priv with Memotoo. For some reasons I cleaned up all my accounts and tried to get memotoo syncing with my phone again. I don't seem to ...
5 Rens 2551 2018-05-02 - 11:11
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I am using Android 6.0.1, memotoo downloaded from Google Play and Astrid tasks 4.6.5 downloaded from memotoo website.

Contacts and Calendar are working as expected. In the memoto...
0 Ajay K. 1324 2017-10-18 - 10:50
by Ajay K.See the post
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Google has predefined URL labels called Blog and Profile URLs and they don't seem to be replicating with Memotoo.

1 George Worley 1710 2017-09-01 - 15:08
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hi, You say on your site that, to add a note via email, I must send it to an address like this:


What do I put in place of "xxxx"?
1 Patrick Bayol 1725 2017-08-04 - 14:11
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I have data at Memotoo and I synchronize them with my old "non-clever" phone Samsung XCover B2710 via SyncML. And I am very happy with it, because I can choose synchronization in one direction,...
3 SUACQF 1656 2017-08-21 - 18:24
by MirekSee the post
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I have data at Memotoo and I synchronize them with my old "non-clever" phone Samsung XCover B2710 via SyncML. And I am very happy with it, because I can choose synchronization in one direction,...
3 Mirek 1563 2017-07-24 - 19:30
by MirekSee the post
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I would like to buy "Sonim XP3.20 Quest Pro". It has SyncML protocol, but it is not listed in devices usable with Memotoo. So is it possible to use it, or not? I want to buy only the phone which ...
4 Mirek 1902 2017-06-22 - 14:15
by MirekSee the post
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Je travaille pour une association et je suis en train de chercher une solution pour synchroniser les contacts de mes collègues de manière simple. Chose qui n'est pas simple ! Il y a des ma...
2 CABV 1621 2017-06-09 - 11:21
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Memotoo has provided excellent service for the last two years, so I think it's only fair to say why I'm leaving.

(1) Client issues with the official client on the new phone. (a) It's neither open-s...
1 TJBsync 2146 2017-03-23 - 04:27
by ???See the post
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Is it possible to export only a certain group of contacts and extracting only phone numbers or e-mail addresses of this group?
1 Fundacion COMPA 1642 2017-03-16 - 17:32
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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there is a Windows 10 Calendar app which I would like to sync with Memotoo:

can someone helm me with the correct sett...
0 Wolfgang Exler 1432 2017-01-26 - 09:47
by Wolfgang ExlerSee the post
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I'm using an Android Calendar app (Calengoo) which supports RDATE (section of ). I made use of this field by creating an appointment which is repea...
2 Helge Kraak 2148 2017-03-09 - 22:32
by HelgeSee the post
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after trying to apply a remote calender, thie error "url response empty" occured. I tried to add the following address to my calendar:
1 Melanie 1899 2017-01-11 - 10:27
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I wanted to know, i recently tried to use the cardbook Thunderbird add-on to synchronise using cardDav with memotoo, but it seems it does not work, I contacted the author of t...
16 Carl Codere 2854 2017-07-25 - 11:42
by HenkSee the post
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Just paid $27 for premium version but it appears useless. I imported my Yahoo calendar via ICAL file but realized it didn't update when hew events were added to my Yahoo calendar. Trying to Sync my Ya...
1 Bobo 1690 2016-11-18 - 14:11
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I tried to sync my Outlook 365 for Mac v. 15.27 (161010) using your suggested Active Directory way but I'm not able to do it. The Microsoft Office 365 for Mac was acquired and installed a we...
1 Francesc Rosés Albiol 1933 2016-12-13 - 15:18
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Is it possible to sync birthday - of a contact - between outlook - memotoo - gmail?
2 kenv481 1724 2016-11-17 - 13:36
by xChrisSee the post
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I try to sync my Calendar with but I receive "Impossible to add this data in may be other event at the same hour, bad repeat rule or bad syntax"

What is wrong?
9 Ilya 2421 2016-12-23 - 19:23
by IlyaSee the post
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I have installed Memotoo on my W10 PC and W10 tablet.
On my PC by a sync the addresses has been uploaded.
The tablet dont respons on synchonisation.

Both worked with Thunderbird.

Any clou?
0 ??? 1698 2016-10-09 - 18:27
by ???See the post
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I'm trying to set up my Gigaset N510 with LDAP access to my Memotoo account. The configuration looks like this:

LDAP access works fine in Thunderbird but on my Gigaset handset I can see ...
2 Emile 2104 2018-12-18 - 13:21
by Daniel BerlinSee the post
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I am using Microsoft Office 2013 64-bit connecting to Memotoo via Exchange ActiveSync. Other connections on MemoToo, such as Yahoo and Google, have two options to "Force a complete synchronisation". ...
1 Mark Morgan 1949 2016-09-28 - 11:27
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I have a number of calendar events that are recurrening - i would like to delete one occurance or modify it - how can i do this please?
1 Ken481 1968 2016-06-13 - 10:27
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hi there!

I have configured Xing-Sync for my account but would like to remove / disable it. How do I do this?

Thanks in advance,
1 ??? 2033 2016-05-18 - 14:28
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I use Thunderbird/Lightning with the SoGo Connector addon to sync my calendar and contacts. However, at some point, the contacts sync stopped working. The calendar syncs just fine. I changed the sync ...
3 ??? 2352 2016-06-09 - 10:36
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Probably while you are surfing through the web and perhaps searching for more movement and approaches to get it you have gone over ads guarantee you arrangements of a huge number of email locations fo...
0 abdur razzak 1784 2016-03-28 - 06:27
by abdur razzakSee the post
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I just bought Outlook 2016, in part because of the Active Sync.
As a test, I added a contact in Outlook, and it was quickly downloaded in memotoo... but I thought the Categoy in Outlook would be...
4 ??? 1629 2017-05-01 - 15:13
by HenkSee the post
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Dear fellow users of the great Memotoo,

First let me thank Thomas for such a wonderful and reliable service! Merci!

I am currently using Memotoo to synchronise my contacts between Thunderbird a...
0 CyberAlex 1760 2016-03-20 - 13:28
by CyberAlexSee the post
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I use memotoo for some years now. In the last year syncing was quite stable. But since about the start of 2016 syncing is incomplete or not working at all.

I use a software which generates a...
1 Christian 1977 2016-02-27 - 13:23
by ???See the post
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Trying to integrate a list of Contacts from Memotoo in a WordPress blog, using the HTML code at the top of the Plug-Ins and Extensions page.
There is a STOP icon (circle with a diagonal) when I hover...
0 ??? 1529 2016-02-26 - 14:22
by ???See the post
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I'm using Memotoo to access my Google calendar and contacts in Outlook 2013 via ActiveSync, however the default e-mail address when sending meeting requests from Outlook is [user] - this ...
1 Andre 1750 2016-02-28 - 12:23
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hi, i'm using Memotoo for a while now and found out there is an option to have a sync with Exchange -based services.

I installed everything acc. to instructions, could get connected and the sync st...
5 Stefan 1930 2016-01-30 - 13:16
by StefanSee the post
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I am trying to get my contacts into their respective groups. I have Yahoo, Gmail, iCloud and Memotoo. Each time I make a change on one provider it reverts to the value from another. It's getting ve...
7 Geoff Hancock 2323 2015-12-21 - 17:15
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I have nearly 6000 events on Memotoo calendar and when I synchronise with my Nokia E&, I get a message saying Memory full. I suspect this is because the Calendar app on the mobile is not large enough...
2 Alan Reynolds 1805 2015-12-07 - 16:04
by ???See the post
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After months without any problem I get the above mentioned error with all my external calendars, e.g.:
2 Matthias 2029 2015-12-04 - 13:40
by MatthiasSee the post
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When using Thunderbird with Lightning, what's the difference between CalDav and iCal?

Which one is better and why?
1 Colan 1955 2015-12-03 - 17:31
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I just upgraded to business-version.

I added a user (now also in business-version).

I shared a group of contacts with this user (read and write)

Now when I login as this user, the group is th...
1 Oliver 2047 2015-12-02 - 15:18
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I am new to memotoo, and I really like it. I imported addresses by filling the sample csv-file. There one very important column is "Company".
However in my contacts-view, this field is missing o...
1 Oliver 2002 2015-12-02 - 10:58
by OliverSee the post
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I have selected the option for memotoo to add birthdays as events.

These sync well with outlook via active sync - yet i can't seem to manage to sync them with google calendar.

Is there a way to ...
1 Ken481 1891 2015-11-04 - 15:35
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Bonjour, j'essaie de synchroniser ma liste de contact de tel et mon ordi. J'ai du mal à comprendre les méthodes Web dav. j'utilise un téléphone aquaris de chez BQ qui fonctionne sous ubuntu.
j'ai réu...
1 Pascal 1875 2015-11-04 - 15:48
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I have 2 user defined fields in my outlook contacts.

Is it possible to sync these fields with memotoo so they can sync with outlook contact in my 2 laptops.

1 Ken481 1828 2015-11-02 - 17:04
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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My Apple calendar and Memotoo stopped syncing after working fine for almost a year. I did upgrade to El Capitan and may have had something to do with it.
8 ??? 2399 2015-12-15 - 14:19
by a sad mac userSee the post
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I'm trying to use this method via to show a calendar in my older Outlook. In general, this works just fine.
Now I want to show on...
2 U.B. 2010 2015-10-27 - 17:16
by U.B.See the post
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I would like to know whether it is possible to change the email address used to send email to contacts. Currently it only gives me the option to use the email assigned to my memotoo which is my person...
6 Ken481 1810 2015-10-27 - 11:27
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Can the same OneMediaHub plugin for Outlook 2013 be used for Outlook 2016? Has it been tested? Thanks.
5 Julie Okun 2031 2015-10-17 - 03:07
by Julie OkunSee the post
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Bonjour et merci pour votre aide.
J'ai synchronisé l'agenda de mon fils sur le mien (format ical) et il y a trop d'information, je voudrais le supprimer.
Comment faire pour supprimer ce lien sans su...
3 Pascal 1817 2015-10-12 - 16:51
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Quand je fais un événement multiple, par exemple: 4 Août 2015 et est répété pour les jours de la semaine lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi et vendredi jusqu'au 19 Août, à 2015 sans ajout exceptions jours....
2 Meme Portela 2036 2015-09-23 - 16:06
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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quand je consulte mon agenda sur mon pc, j'ai une calendrier de semaine lisible et fonctionnel par contre sur mon portable (que vous ne connaissez pas ) j'ai une liste des événements........
2 Pascal 2213 2015-09-27 - 08:08
by PascalSee the post
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I accidentally destroyed the display of my Android phone. I have the still access to the phone via adb shell and I have network. Is it possible to trigger a sync with the Memotoo app through...
1 fiiij 1936 2015-09-06 - 13:08
by fiiijSee the post
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Hi! Up to now it is difficult for me to sync my zimbra tasks with my android-calendar, that is "business calendar 2".
It only syncs zimbra calendar and google tasks. So I decided to use only google t...
2 Dan-cer 3042 2015-08-13 - 14:08
by Dan-cerSee the post
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I need some help for sync my Tasks from owncloud to my windows phone. I tried to sync with memotoo, which works not 100% but i get a part of my tasks into memotoo.
But with the connect from my...
1 Gunnar 2302 2015-07-29 - 15:49
by GunnarSee the post
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I made a request to recover data at the URL

I then received an email from with subject: Re: [Memotoo] Restore data, wit...
1 Ken 2457 2015-07-09 - 08:36
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hi. I was without Internet for a couple of days lately, and I realized how dependant I am on the Memotoo web interface.
I'd like to know what is the best way to keep my contacts lists offline, and to...
4 RougeTaureau 2157 2015-07-16 - 14:29
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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je constate que lors d'une synchonisation les contacts ne sont pas tous dans le "top"
il n'y pas d'interface qui permet de visualiser ceux-ci .. et pas d'outils pour les mettre de façon automatique ...
1 lambert 1811 2015-07-07 - 15:48
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I am attempting to sync my tasks from Outlook 2013 and it appears that only the first task (which is mark completed) is the only task syncing. What do I need to do to get the other tasks to sync prop...
0 TPG 1929 2015-06-28 - 16:05
by TPGSee the post
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Hi. I have been trying to sync properly on my new (Huawei) Honor 6. On my previous HTC phone, I used Synthesis SyncML. Trying to use the Memotoo tool on this new phone, and thought it was working. In ...
0 ??? 1739 2015-06-11 - 21:38
by ???See the post
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I sync between two Google account contracts every couple of weeks ... regularly I find that updates to records are being dropped. It looks like changes in one account are being overwritten ... is the...
1 ??? 2216 2015-06-13 - 10:31
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I want to use memotoo to sync my google tasks. I also use google calendar and contacts but I do NOT want to sync them with memotoo. However, when I linked my google account it linked up all three wi...
1 Elizabeth 2231 2015-06-13 - 10:37
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Suddenly I am unable to sync with google contacts. When trying to sync I have a message,, something like this:
"Synk Error, Invalid Token, check if Memontoo access is revoked here .."

My Goo...
3 lg 2447 2015-05-26 - 18:56
by See the post
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I use the Memotoo sync app to sync my calendar with android but I am looking for a phone calendar app that respects Categories. All the ones I have tried just lump all the categories together as...
3 Neill 2294 2015-05-26 - 10:59
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I'm trying to do selective sync of my google contacts. When setting up GContacts sync, I'm offered the choice "All groups are synced" and "Only synced with:", but it's not clear to me whether this wil...
0 Emiliano Heyns 1965 2015-05-03 - 10:12
by Emiliano HeynsSee the post
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Bonjour, je suis nouvel utilisateur Memotoo (en train de tester). Tout marche bien, mais je ne parviens pas à synchroniser en SSL avec mon Nokia E72.

J'ai pourtant installé les "network improvement...
3 Daniel 2395 2015-06-04 - 08:26
by DanielSee the post
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Je suis une nouvelle utilisatrice de Mementoo. J'ai un problème de synchronisation. J'ai un seul compte gmail avec 2 calendriers dedans (un boulot et un perso). Au cours de la synchronisati...
1 Coco33 2275 2015-04-17 - 09:40
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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L'accès à Memotoo est bloqué par mon entreprise.
Par contre, fonctionne mais j'ai un message m'indiquant que le certificat ne correspond pas.
Est-ce normal? Puis-j...
2 Manu 2299 2015-03-26 - 11:06
by ManuSee the post
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Je suis un tout nouvel utilisateur de memotoo avec thunderbird sur PCLinux et android sur mobile.
Lors de la synchronisation, les horaires des événements ne sont pas modifiés sur PC et We...
1 Bruno 2671 2015-03-17 - 15:32
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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