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smile Posted 2018-05-02 - 02:54

I am trying to set up Memotoo so I can use it for caller ID on my android phone. I have my business contacts in Memotoo, and I am trying to connect to it using the Memotoo ldap server, but even though I can connect to the ldap server, I'm not getting successful lookups. I can connect using TBird, but apache directory studio also fails to connect.

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Daniel Berlin

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smile Posted 2018-12-18 - 12:52     Subject: (Snom D785) Re: CallerID/LDAP

anyone ideas.
I have a snom D785 and would like to set-up the LDAP instead of the XML integration, as it provides automated resolution of number / name matching during calls.

Also, when defining the LDAP settings as per the memo too website: I receive errors.
Setting up the Action URL with the xml mini browser ( - a lookup (open and display all contacts) is working. Though this is not very convenient and rather a low level workaround (no search, no name / number resolution during call nor outbound calls).

Can anyone direct me, on how to define and set-up the LDAP on a snom D785 with the recent beta:

currently trying the following settings:

Name Filter

Search against a match of name in common name and last name (surname) with contacts that contain a number

Number Filter

Name Filter during Call

LDAP Number Filter During Call:

LDAP Name Atrributes:
cn displayName

Number Attributes:

Display Name

Error I receive eg. when displaying the missed calls... LDAP Query Error:
"ContactAccessResult: Error Not Initialized"

Thanks, Daniel

Free or cheap LDAP phone book wanted

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smile Posted 2019-04-25 - 20:35     Subject: Re: (Snom D785) Re: CallerID/LDAP

Hi all, hi Daniel,
is there a solution in place?
I like also to use Memotoo via LDAP directly from my Snom-phones.
Or are you using another LDAP service as phone book?
I am using the Cloud based telephone system from Easybell and there is no LDAP phone book included. If anyone provides a solution for me we can discuess about bonus.

Daniel B

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smile Posted 2019-04-27 - 09:30     Subject: Re: Re: (Snom D785) Re: CallerID/LDAP

Hi Patrick,
unfortunately no solution. Likely and considering writing a VBA script, to transform my Google Contacts into the CSV format of my Cloud PBX which then populates it into my Snom phones.

Very frustrating that there are no automated decent solutions - considering that these are in place for mobile phones.

Patrick, let me know if you do find a decent solution.

Memotoo Cloud My Address Book Ask my contacts to update their information
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