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How does data recovery work?RSS Feed

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smile Posted 2015-07-09 - 02:59

I made a request to recover data at the URL

I then received an email from with subject: Re: [Memotoo] Restore data, with the following body
OK your data (contacts) have been restored:

I went to that URL and saw that it was basically the recovery request page with the following text at the top of the page
To thank Memotoo having found your data, donations are much appreciated:
along with a box to submit a donation via paypal, followed by an empty box.

There is no indication as to how I can access the recovered data so that I can recover my missing contacts.

1 Replie(s)
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Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2015-07-09 - 08:36     Subject: Re: How does data recovery work?

To access to your contacts restored, just go in the address book and you will found them.

Memotoo Cloud My Address Book Ask my contacts to update their information
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