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Syncing type and value fields in Google Contacts Google ContactsRSS Feed

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Stefano Bellinzona

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smile Posted 2019-04-10 - 09:28

Google Contacts allows you to add N phones, emails, sites, etc. for each contact (or record).
Each field is divided into two: Type and Value where in the first place the type (Example: Home, Office, Smartphone, etc.) and in the second the value, that is the number (+39 444 5656 780).
In synchronization with Memotoo, all this data is entered at the bottom between "Other" and is not distinguished between label and content.
How can I correctly synchronize data by sending them to the right cells in my home phone, work phone, etc.?
Since I find Memotoo exceptional, I am sure it will be possible but it is I who cannot !!!
Many thanks.

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