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ActiveSync Version TZ-Push ?RSS Feed

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smile Posted 2016-03-20 - 13:28

Dear fellow users of the great Memotoo,

First let me thank Thomas for such a wonderful and reliable service! Merci!

I am currently using Memotoo to synchronise my contacts between Thunderbird and my phone, via Memotoo in the middle. On Thunderbird I am using the extension "TZ-Push":

Everything works good enough, so I guess someone might reply: "if it ain't broke don't fix it". But I am just curious about something (and I weren't curious, I'd do another job, like prime minister or professional killer for example).

Here it is: there is an option in TZ-Push settings which proposes to choose between "ActiveSync Version" 2.5 and 14.0. By default it is on 2.5, but will it change or improve something if I choose 14.0? I don't see any difference in my address book.

Neither Duckduckgo nor Google were unable to give me an answer :

Thank you.

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