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Sonim XP3.20 Quest Pro - is it usable with Memotoo?RSS Feed

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smile Posted 2017-06-16 - 22:10

I would like to buy "Sonim XP3.20 Quest Pro". It has SyncML protocol, but it is not listed in devices usable with Memotoo. So is it possible to use it, or not? I want to buy only the phone which will be accepted with Memotoo.


4 Replie(s)
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Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2017-06-20 - 12:28     Subject: Re: Sonim XP3.20 Quest Pro - is it usable with Memotoo?

Hi Mirek

If this phone has SyncML, the sync will work with Memotoo.


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smile Posted 2017-06-20 - 22:16     Subject: Re: Re: Sonim XP3.20 Quest Pro - is it usable with Memotoo?

Hi Thomas,

thank you for nice answer! But if I will buy this fone how to begine the synchronization with Memoto if this phone does not exist in the list of "usable" phones? Does it mean that I can choice ANY mobil from the list?
I have in Memotoo for many years my Samsung Xcover B320 and synchronization for it in Memotoo works PERFECTLY!
But I do not know how to define the profil for potentialy new XP3.20 Quest Pro.
Sory for my questions but I like Memotoo very much and therefore I need to know HOW to define profile for synchronization before I will buy this phone.


Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2017-06-21 - 13:58     Subject: Re: Re: Re: Sonim XP3.20 Quest Pro - is it usable with Memotoo?

Hi Mirek

I do not know the phone "Sonim XP3.20 Quest Pro" so I can tell you how to configure it.
But I can say if there is SyncML, you could sync it with Memotoo by using this HowTo for example:


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smile Posted 2017-06-22 - 14:15     Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sonim XP3.20 Quest Pro - is it usable with Memotoo?

Hi Thomas,

thank you for link to definition of synchronization for Nokia E65. But when I compare this definition with definition of my Samsung Xcover B271 (which I synchronize with Memotoo very often and which is in this time my only phone) there are many differences.

For example in definition for my Xcover is distingued between databases for events in calendar and notes, but in definition for Nokia are events in calendar and notes defined together.

There are also other diferenties between both definitions - the categories have different names, for example the name for notes in Nokia is contact, but the definition for notes category in my Xcover is named con.

These facts are for me unplesant because I will not to know which name and how (together vs. distingued) I will use for new Sonim phone. Today I still have not bought, because this phone is one of my "tips" for a new phone for me, but I would like to know it BEFORE I will buy any new phone, how to exactly define its synchronization profile inside the phone.

But - as I have suggested to me also - I will maybee buy some phone with Android, because that choice will be without sync problems, I hope .

I apologize for my questions if they are too stupid for you but I want to have exactly how I will synchronize my futere new phone before I will buy it. My first action when I will my new phone will be:
1) to define the synchronization profil inside the phone (if it will be SyncML and not touched phone);
2) to carry all my notes + tasks + calendar events + contacts from Memotoo (for my Samsung) into my new phone.

Thank you very much for your patiense with me and I apologize for my terrible English.


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