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How sync google tasks with zimbra tasks and Android Android?RSS Feed

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smile Posted 2015-08-11 - 02:04

Hi! Up to now it is difficult for me to sync my zimbra tasks with my android-calendar, that is "business calendar 2".
It only syncs zimbra calendar and google tasks. So I decided to use only google tasks, missing the tasks of zimbra.
My first tryings with memotoo were not successfull. All google tasks were deleted. Syncing with memotoo >> google (one way) doesn't give any tasks to goolge tasks - they remain empty.
My target is to have google tasks as main list, syncing it with zimbra tasks via memotoo. Is that possible? And how can I manage that?

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smile Posted 2015-08-11 - 13:19     Subject: Re: How sync google tasks with zimbra tasks and android?

Today it seems to work:

First I deleted all tasks in all accounts and started freshly. Then I synced memotoo tasks both with zimbra and google both ways and started to create tasks.

Now - beside different sync-intervalls in google and zimbra (1h + 4h) - syncing works.

Syncing with android is running through google tasks. That is enough, because the business calendar can't sync zimbra tasks.

I will observe the sync- processes for 2 or 3 days. If all will work as now, the issue will be solved.


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smile Posted 2015-08-13 - 14:08     Subject: Re: Re: How sync google tasks with zimbra tasks and android?

I'm sorry, it is not solved yet.
I found out, that tasks created in Zimbra with a certain category ("Aufgaben"), are not synced to memotoo included with this category.
The category is missed, and for that reason the task is not synced. First I would have to give the task in memotoo the missed category, which is present in drop-down list.
So a feature would be useful to put all incoming tasks automatically into the choosen standard-category.

Would You do that, please? Or give me another solution?

Thank You very much!

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