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Is possible for Android Android phones to use SyncML application for one-way synchronization?RSS Feed

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smile Posted 2017-07-27 - 09:04


I have data at Memotoo and I synchronize them with my old "non-clever" phone Samsung XCover B2710 via SyncML. And I am very happy with it, because I can choose synchronization in one direction, in other direction, or in both.

But now I will buy new phone and maybe it will be a phone with Android system, so the "clever" phone.

I have read at Memotoo page that for Android phones is possible to install Memotoo sync application into the phone and then to have the possibility ot synchronizace data between Memotoo server and phone.

I know that the most obvious method for synchronization is two-way sync between phone and Memotoo. But I sometimes have used the synchronisation one-way: sometimes I replaced all data in Memotoo with all data with my phone, sometimes on the contrary.

And the choice of type and direction of synchronization I always have did in my sync profile defined inside my old (non-clever) phone.

And now I have this question:
If I will buy the phone with Android (5, 6 or 7 version), then I will install Memotoo sync application, will it be possible inside that application to choose the type and the direction of SyncML synchronization? Or the Memotoo sync application for Android phones is suit only for obvious two-way synchronization?

Thank you very much.

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3 Replie(s)
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smile Posted 2017-08-15 - 13:43     Subject: Re: Is possible for Android phones to use SyncML application for one-way synchronization?


can anybody answer to me for my question?


Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2017-08-20 - 14:49     Subject: Re: Re: Is possible for Android phones to use SyncML application for one-way synchronization?

Hi Mirek,

Yes it is possible to select the way of sync in the Memotoo sync app.

(I must update the app because some phones hide the settings menu)


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smile Posted 2017-08-21 - 18:24     Subject: Re: Re: Re: Is possible for Android phones to use SyncML application for one-way synchronization?

Thomas, thank you very much.


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