Memotoo synkronisera allt du vill !


Sync your phone Samsung SGH-i780 med Memotoo

Samsung SGH-i780 Samsung
Synchronization possible:
Min bokmärken Bokmärken 
Min Adressbok Kontakterok
Min Kalender Calendar / eventsok
Min Att göra lista Tasksok
Mina Anteckningar Anteckningarok
Mina Filer Briefcaseok
Pictures Picturesok

Configure your Samsung SGH-i780 with:
 eller  eller  eller 
Synchronization possible: Min AdressbokKontakter & Min KalenderCalendar / events & Min Att göra listaTasks &
Mina AnteckningarAnteckningar & Mina FilerBriefcase & PicturesPictures
infoThis plugin works only with Windows Mobile 5.x / 6.x » use Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync
1Download plugin:
Pocket PC eller directly with your phone:
SmartPhone eller directly with your phone:

2 Install it

3 Configure it with these settings:
Server location:
ellerSSLSSL: (SSL problem?)
Username:Your username  Registrera konto
Password:Your password
funambolWindowsMobile3   funambolWindowsMobile4   funambolWindowsMobile5
Min Adressbok Contacts:card
» Sync some Memotoo groups?
Min Kalender Calendar:scal
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
» Sync only one period?
Min Att göra lista Tasks:stask
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
» Sync only uncompleted tasks?
Mina Anteckningar Notes:snote
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
Mina Filer Briefcase:briefcase
- only file < 2 MB will be sync
- only the "Briefcase" folder of "Mina Filer" will be synced
- subfolder will not be synced
Pictures Pictures:picture
- only the "Pictures" folder of "Mina Filer" will be synced
- subfolder will not be synced

4 Sync your phone