Funktioner » Synkronisera dina data med din mobiltelefon

Synka HTC Legend
HTC Legend
Synka Apple iPad
Apple iPad
Synka LG KU990i Viewty
LG KU990i Viewty
Synka Samsung GT-i9300 (Galaxy SIII S3)
Samsung GT-i9300 (Galaxy SIII S3)
Synka Apple iPhone
Apple iPhone
Synka Sony Ericsson ST25 (Xperia U)
Sony Ericsson ST25 (Xperia U)
Synka Motorola XT720 (Milestone)
Motorola XT720 (Milestone)
Synka HTC Desire
HTC Desire
Synka BlackBerry 9000 (Bold)
BlackBerry 9000 (Bold)
Synka Nokia 800 (Lumia)
Nokia 800 (Lumia)
Synka Nokia 920 (Lumia)
Nokia 920 (Lumia)
After each synchronization your mobile phone and Memotoo will have the same data!
Whenever you add, modify or delete data (an event, a task, a contact, or a note) your mobile phone and Memotoo will exchange only modified data and their contents will be identical.
Memotoo Cloud
Sync my phone, my tablet, ...

Synchronization settings SyncML:

Server location
eller SSLSSL: (SSL problem?)
Port number 80 eller SSL443
Användarnamn Your username  Registrera konto
Lösenord Your password
Database name (URI) to sync:
Min bokmärken Bokmärken bmark
Min Adressbok Kontakter
Min Kalender Calendar / events
eller caltask to sync "Calendar / events" and "Tasks" in the same database
» Sync only one period?
Min Att göra lista Tasks
Mina Anteckningar Anteckningar
» Sync only one period?
Mina Filer Files file
Pictures Pictures picture
Videos Videos video

List of compatible SyncML, CardDAV, CalDAV, ActiveSync, Exchange, ... plugins:

Memotoo sync till Android
Memotoo sync till Android
Funambol / OneMediaHub till Outlook
Funambol / OneMediaHub till Outlook
SOGo till Thunderbird
SOGo till Thunderbird
CardDAV och CalDAV till iPhone
CardDAV och CalDAV till iPhone
CardDAV och CalDAV till Mac OS X
CardDAV och CalDAV till Mac OS X
Funambol till BlackBerry
Funambol till BlackBerry
ActiveSync eller Synthesis till Windows Phone 8
ActiveSync eller Synthesis till Windows Phone 8
ActiveSync till Windows Phone 7
ActiveSync till Windows Phone 7
Funambol till Windows Mobile
Funambol till Windows Mobile
Funambol till iPod
Funambol till iPod
Plugins Synthesis
Plugins Synthesis
Plugins Nexthaus
Plugins Nexthaus

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