¿Qué hacen todos los botones? | |
Ir a dirección web especificada / seleccionada | |
Agregar dirección web especificada a mis marcadores | |
Buscar en mis marcadores | |
Go to add / modify / delete bookmarks and folders | |
Go to add / modify / delete e-mail addresses and mailing lists | |
Go to add / modify / delete phone and fax numbers | |
Go to add / modify / delete contacts | |
Go to add / modify / delete events and tasks | |
Manage my docs (files and folders) | |
Customize my navigation toolbar and edit my account | |
View information about the current or selected item(s) | |
Modify the current or selected item(s) | |
Move the current or selected item(s) | |
Enviar una copia de tus datos por email / Enviar una dirección de Memotoo por email | |
Hacer una copia de este contacto | |
Delete the current or selected item(s) | |
Address to give to people to access to this data | |
Sort in descending order | |
Sort in ascending order | |
Download a business card (vCard format) of the current of selected contact(s) | |
Download an event, a task or a note (iCalendar format) | |
Locate your contacts with ViaMichelin.com | |
Locate your contacts with Google Maps | |
Locate your contacts with Maporama.com | |
Locate your contacts with MapQuest.com |
Example of a customized Netvibes homepage |
Example of a customized iGoogle homepage |
With Mozilla Thunderbird you can access your Memotoo
contacts directly when you start typing an e-mail address: » Mozilla Thunderbird mostrará las direcciones de correo electrónico almacenadas en Memotoo!
How to set it up:
Nokia 920 (Lumia) |
HTC Desire |
Nokia 800 (Lumia) |
Sony Ericsson ST25 (Xperia U) |
Alcatel OT-918 (Blaze Duo) |
... |