Memotoo sync all you want !


Sync your phone Sony Ericsson K608i con Memotoo

Sony Ericsson K608i Sony Ericsson
Synchronization possible:
Mi agenda de direcciones Contactosok
Mi agenda Calendar / eventsok
Mis tareas Tasksok
Mis notas Notasok
arrowManual synchronization settings of phone
1 Open the sync app by browsing the following menus: Organizer » Synchronization

2 Select New account

3 Configure it with these settings:
Server location:
oSSLSSL: (SSL problem?)
Port number: 80  oSSL443
Nombre de usuario: Your username  Registrarse
Contraseña: Your password
Server ID: memotoo
Server Version: 1.1
Database name (URI) to sync:
Mis favoritos Favoritos bmark
Mi agenda de direcciones Contactos contact
» Sync some Memotoo groups?
Mi agenda Calendar / events calendar
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
» Sync only one period?
Mis tareas Tasks task
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
» Sync only uncompleted tasks?
Mis notas Notas note
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
Mis mensajes de texto SMS sms
» Sync only one period?
4 Sync your phone