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Accedere ai vostri contatti tramite directory LDAP
With Mozilla Thunderbird you can access your Memotoo
contacts directly when you start typing an e-mail address:
Accedere ai vostri contatti tramite directory LDAP
» Mozilla Thunderbird will show suggested e-mail addresses stored in Memotoo!

How to set it up:
  • Go to "Options" in the "Tools" menu

  • In "Composition" check the "Directory Server" box and click "Edit Directories..."
  • Next add the directory server (complete with settings below)
    LDAP directory address / Hostname
    Porta 389
    Base name / Base DN
    You must log in to see the base name
  • To test if it's OK write a new e-mail, start typing the beginning of a name or e-mail address of one of your contacts in the "To:" field and wait until Thunderbird shows a list of suggested contacts (this could take few seconds).
    Accedere ai vostri contatti tramite directory LDAP
    If the text that you typed becomes red it means Thunderbird cannot connect to Memotoo: check your configuration in "Account Settings ..." with the image below:

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Aggiungi i widget Memotoo a iGoogleiGoogle,, Windows VistaWindows Vista, Apple DashboardMac OS X,...
Access your contacts stored in
Add to Netvibes
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Add to Windows Vista Sidebar Add to Apple Dashboard Add to Opera
Displays the World Map of your contacts with Google Map !
Add to Netvibes
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Add to Windows Vista Sidebar Add to Apple Dashboard Add to Opera
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Visualizza mia rubrica sfruttando un feed RSSRSS feed:

infoI contatti sono stati ordinati in base al loro ultimo aggiornamento in ordine decrescente
warningUsa questo link con prudenza, perché contiene il tuo login e password

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