Könyvjelzőim importálása:
This block enables you to import bookmarks from your browser into Memotoo from a bookmarks.html or bookmarks.xml (XBEL format):
Ha használod Internet Explorer (version 9.x / 10.x / 11.x):
1Run IE, go to "File" and click "Import and export...". After, select "Export to a file", check "Favorites" and save this file on your hard drive
2Then, select file with "Browse..." and click "Import"
Ha használod Internet Explorer (version 5.x / 6.x / 8.x):
1Ennek a programnak a letöltése: FavTool (46 Ko)
2Run FavTool software, and click "Save Favorites as Bookmarks", and save this file on your hard drive
3Then, select file with "Browse..." and click "Import"
Ha használod Mozilla Firefox :
1Run Firefox, go to "Bookmarks" and click "Manage Bookmarks...". After, go to "File", click "Export..." and save this file on your hard drive
2Then, select file with "Browse..." and click "Import"
Maximális file méret: 20 MB