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Task syncing problemsRSS Feed

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smile Posted 2013-04-12 - 22:45

I'm going to try to explain this as best I can.

I have memotoo syncing my Google Tasks to my Evolution tasks. Now I have that working and syncing and all. But the problem I'm finding, and it may just be I'm not set up for this, is that when I write a new task in Evolution and Sync Evolution syncs with Memotoo, the tasks that are synced are not going to my Google Tasks. When I go into Memotoo, I have to manually change my Evolution tasks to my Google Tasks list, then they are sent to my Google account.

Is there a way for me to get my Evolution tasks to be automatically put into my default list? Is it through Sync Evolution (which I'm having problems with to begin with), or is it a Memotoo fix?



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smile Posted 2013-04-13 - 00:25     Subject: Re: Task syncing problems

Ok, I figured it out!

If you're syncing your Google Tasks to your Evolution tasks list and you want the Evolution tasks to show up in your Google List, what you need to do is once you have Sync Evolution up, go to the button that says "Change or Edit Sync Services" > Memotoo Option "Set Up Now" > Drop Menu "Show Server Settings" > TASK URI type in your specific Google Task ID ex. "task.123456" or "task.123456.uncompleted" if you want to only see uncompleted tasks in Evolution.

To get your specific Google Task ID, go to Memotoo > Calendar > My Tasks > Drop Down Box next to Calendar "Sync My Tasks" > Evolution > Tab "Install With Source" > Under "Task" click the link "Sync some Memotoo categories?" > a box will appear and click which ever list you want to use > the bolded "Task" should have a period and some numbers behind it ex: "task.123456" > If you only want to see tasks that are not complete in Evolution click the link that says "Sync only uncompleted Tasks?" > the bolded task should now read task, a period, some numbers, a period and "uncompleted" ex "task.123456.uncompleted" > that is what you will put into the TASK URI in Synce Evolution.

Hope this helps!!



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smile Posted 2015-02-26 - 14:51     Subject: Re: Re: Task syncing problems

Thanks a ton! I didn't find any bolded 'task', but just finding the list helped solve my problem.

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