Memotoo Tüm istediklerinizi senkronize edin !


Eşitle Apple iPad ile Memotoo

Configure your Apple iPad with:
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Synchronization possible: Adres defterimKişiler & TakvimimCalendar / events /TipsUse CalDAV to synchronize your calendar and tasks
1 Install with App Store on your iPad: Synthesis SyncML PRO

2 Configure it with these settings:
synthesisSyncMLPro2   synthesisSyncML3
Server / URL:
Server Login / User:Kullanıcı adınız  Kayıt Ol
Server Login / Password:Şifreniz
synthesisSyncML4   synthesisSyncMLPro3
Adres defterim Contacts / Server Path:contact
» Sync some Memotoo groups?
Takvimim Calendar / Server Path:calendar
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
» Sync only one period?

3 Sync your phone: