Memotoo sync all you want !

memotoo Gmail Firefox Outlook Facebook XING Thunderbird Viadeo Google LinkedIn Evernote Yahoo Zimbra Windows Mac OS X Twitter iCoud Skype Saját naptár Saját fájlok Saját fájlok Saját fájlok Saját fájlok Saját fájlok Kapcsolatok Világtérkép Saját Címjegyzék Saját Címjegyzék E-mail beállítások Saját SMS-eim Memotoo computer laptop phone tablet

Regisztráció Demó kipróbálása

You modify a contact, it is automatically updated everywhere!

Nem veszted el az adataidat: ha elveszíted vagy lecseréled a mobiltelefonod, ...

Sync iPhone Sync Android tablet Sync Android telefon (Samsung, ...) Sync iPad Sync Mac OS X Sync Windows 8 / 10 telefon És tablet

Sync your phone, tablet and computer

Memotoo allows you to sync all phones, tablets and computers

If you have one or more phones iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, old Nokia, Sony Ericsson, ... you could transfer your data to Memotoo and keep up to date: when you change a contact, it will be updated on all phones!

What can I sync with my phone?

Store your address book, calendar, files, ...

Your data will be stored and secured on Memotoo

Memotoo can store all your contacts, your calendar (including tasks and notes), your files (photos, videos, Word document, ...), your bookmarks, your SMS and access to all your E-mail accounts.

Sync Google Sync Mozilla Thunderbird Sync Microsoft Outlook Sync Yahoo! Sync / Windows Live / Hotmail Sync iCloud Sync Evernote Sync Toodledo

Connect your favorite websites and software

Memotoo allows you to sync your emails and social networks

Sync all you want: Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, iCloud, / Windows Live / Hotmail, Yahoo!, Mozilla Thunderbird, Google, Evernote, Toodledo, ...

Memotoo is also:


Your data are safe


Share your data


Easily backup and restore

Share your data with your friends, your clients, ...
eg.: your secretary can update your calendar, give read only access to selected parts of your data, ...

All your E-mail accessible in one page


Reminders of events, birthdays, ... by E-mail or SMS

Access all your e-mail in a single page from Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, ...!

More than 300.000 users have chosen Memotoo:

Hey guys! your service is amazing! I am realy glad I finally found what I wanted! Thanks!