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Spaces appears randomly in the text of tasks and events in Thunderbird Thunderbird after memotoo's syncRSS Feed

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smile Posted 2020-11-28 - 00:08

OS: archlinux
Thunderbird 78.4.3

If i modify tasks and events in Thunderbird, since last update (68 to 78), spaces appear randomly into the text.

If i reopen the task or event to correct the spaces (open the task or event, delete the space, register and close) they reappear randomly elsewhere in the text.

There is the same spaces in Memotoo's tasks. If i correct the text in Memotoo, the text is OK in Thunderbird after sync. But spaces reappear in Thunderbird if i modify the text in Thunderbird.

I have no problem with a local task or event. So i suppose the problem appear only when i sync with memotoo.

This happens on all my computers (3 PC sync Thunderbird Memotoo).

I f so meone c an he lp, th a nks you becau se it's v er y a nnoying.

Sorry for my broken english.

1 Replie(s)
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Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2020-12-20 - 17:34     Subject: Re: Spaces appears randomly in the text of tasks and events in thunderbird after memotoo's sync


Ok I have done some modifications and now the spaces added during the sync will be ignored.

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