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Sync with Simplenote - Not workingRSS Feed

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smile Posted 2019-09-29 - 20:23

actualy im on Free but in the next days my new old Nokia S40 shoud arrive. This Device is only for personal usage but some of my notes i want to take with me, even its weekend.

Because i only use unformated text Simplenote woud be an esay thing for sharing notes between my Android and Memotoo. But all time i try to connect the sevice i get an error message:

Impossible to connect to Simplenote: blabla@blabla.bla

The login is 100% Correct. So i have no clue where the Problem is.
Im not sure if there is an way to bypass Simolenote because Excange did not support Notes and i cant immagine how to work with OI Notes. Is there a way to sync txt Files as notes or Nextcloid Notes?

It would be great if somone could help me with the integration of Simplenote.


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