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Wrong number of contacts why?RSS Feed

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smile Posted 2018-03-20 - 11:23

In Memotoo the "number of contacts" is at this moment 2264, while "my addressbook" says 2255 and "NB:" (beneath All, A, B, C ....) says 2264, again. I have only one addressbook, and there are probably all contacts included. Deleting or adding contacts changes the numbers, but doesn't ever change the difference of 9 contacts.

What's the reason, and what nummer is the right one?

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1 Replie(s)
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Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2018-03-30 - 18:16     Subject: Re: Wrong number of contacts why?


The number "Number of contacts" give you the total of contacts.
After in "My Address Book [top]" you find the number of contacts that have no groups associated + the contacts in the "top" group
And after, for each group,s you have the number of contacts in this group.

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