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Delta of -1 day synching Memotoo to Office365RSS Feed

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smile Posted 2017-12-05 - 16:51


when I synchronize with Office365 exchange server via (oneway sync Memtoo -> Office365) the address book entries in the Office365 account have birth dates -1 day compared to the birth date in Memotoo. SyncML, CardDav works fine with other servers.


7 Replie(s)
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smile Posted 2017-12-06 - 12:58     Subject: Re: Delta of -1 day synching Memotoo to Office365

Update: I tested sync via ActiveSync. Here the birth date is correct. So the Exchange Server sync configuration seems to have an issue. I can use ActiveSync for contacts so this seems to be a good workaround.

Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2017-12-15 - 11:21     Subject: Re: Re: Delta of -1 day synching Memotoo to Office365

Ok Helge, I have found and corrected the problem

Sorry for the delay of my reponse.


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smile Posted 2017-12-15 - 16:44     Subject: Re: Re: Re: Delta of -1 day synching Memotoo to Office365

Hi Thomas,

thanks a lot for fixing this issue! Memotoo is still an outstanding product and I hope it'll survive much longer!

I found one more -1 delta regarding the time zones for events. I have set Memotoo and Office365 and Outlook time zone to UTC+1 time zone. I do one way sync Memotoo->Office365 and the time zone of events in Office365/Outlook becomes UTC+-0

With Contacts Memotoo->Office365 using ActiveSync I recognized that the notes field of contacts in Office365/Outlook contain linebreak characters (like \r). ExchangeSync doesn't do this.

I also found that ActiveSync would sync contact photos (but only for 50 to 70 percent of the contacts which have a contact picture included) where ExchangeSync would not sync any contact images. Just wondering if this is a limitation of the ExchangeSync protocol?



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smile Posted 2017-12-15 - 18:29     Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Delta of -1 day synching Memotoo to Office365

Sorry Thomas, I just found out that I was mistaken about the time zone delta. It's a Outlook for Mac 2016 bug. The sync between Memotoo and Office 365 is correct!

Please my comment on this.



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smile Posted 2018-01-03 - 10:35     Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Delta of -1 day synching Memotoo to Office365

Hi Thomas,

because you may have not read my previous post here after my last one: If possible it would be great if you could have a look at these issues:

With Contacts Memotoo->Office365 using ActiveSync I recognized that the notes field of contacts in Office365/Outlook contain linebreak characters (like \r). ExchangeSync doesn't do this.

I also found that ActiveSync would sync contact photos (but only for 50 to 70 percent of the contacts which have a contact picture included) where ExchangeSync would not sync any contact images. Just wondering if this is a limitation of the ExchangeSync protocol?



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smile Posted 2018-02-25 - 16:07     Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Delta of -1 day synching Memotoo to Office365

Hi Helge and Thomas,

This minus 1 day offset is a problem of the Microsoft web interface !!
It's a bug that already exists for more than one year.
It is not related to the use of Memotoo.

I have eM Client and the MS Outlook desktop app connected to a MS mailaccount, both using the Exchange Web Services (not Airsync or Exchange ActiveSync).
When I drag a vCard (V3.0) including a birthday date into eM Client, it get's synced to the MS Exchange server and next synced to MS Outlook app.
Then the birthday is equal on both apps. So apparently OK on the Exchange server.
But when I watch the Outlook webpage, it shows a -1 day offset compared to what's on the server.
Next some background proces is tweaking around in the data and after some time the birthday offset may be corrected.
Maybe updating some data helps to trigger a refresh.

This problem can be reproduced on free accounts end on Office365 Outlook accounts.

Good luck,


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smile Posted 2018-02-27 - 15:39     Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Delta of -1 day synching Memotoo to Office365

Hi Henk,

thanks a lot for your remarks. I had already stated some posts ago that I had found out that the issue was Office365 related and was not related to Memotoo. I guess you have overlooked this post. Nevertheless thank you for sharing your findings.

Of course the sync issues with linebreaks in connection with ActiveSync and the sync issues of incomplete photos with ActiveSync and no photo sync at all with EWS remain.


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