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Problems editing tasks on iOSRSS Feed

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smile Posted 2017-07-18 - 09:47

Has anyone else every had problems editing tasks on iOS? Whenever I delete a task on my iPhone it pops back again as soon as the app re-syncs. Also, if I edit a task (e.g. to change the due date) I end up with a duplicate task, which I can't see on iOS but I can if I log into the Memotoo website. If I delete tasks on the website then they disappear correctly from iOS. I have tried deleting the Memotoo account from my phone and adding it back, but this has not fixed the problem.

This has been happening for the last two months on my old iPhone 4 and my new iPhone SE and it is driving me nuts!

2 Replie(s)
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smile Posted 2018-05-18 - 03:11     Subject: Re: Problems editing tasks on iOS

I have having similar problems on my iPhone 8+

Items reappear after I delete them. Items disappear when I update the due date. I end up with duplicates when view on memotoo site, but not on the iphone. I have entries I can see on the memotoo website but not on the iphone

Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2018-06-09 - 20:07     Subject: Re: Re: Problems editing tasks on iOS


I have tried to reproduce this problem and for me on my iPhone (iOS 11.4) it works fine...

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