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Problem CardDAV sync'ing with MacOS 10.10 ContactsRSS Feed

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smile Posted 2017-03-27 - 18:46

I am having trouble sync'ing between MacOS Contacts and Memotoo using CardDAV.

I have set up the account in Contacts as described under "how to sync your contacts with carddav" and seems to mostly work. However, the phone numbers are not being transferred from MacOS Contacts to Memotoo. They were in the past, so this might be a new problem since migration to 10.10. Most changes to a card in Memotoo Contacts on the Mac immediately appear on the Memotoo server. However, if I add or change phone numbers, they are not transferred to Memotoo.

Any suggestions?


1 Replie(s)
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Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2017-03-31 - 10:24     Subject: Re: Problem carddav sync'ing with MacOS 10.10 Contacts

Hello Vince

I have tried with Mac OS X El Captitan v.10.11.6, and if I modify a mobile phone number in Contacts, this contact is synced to Memotoo. So I can not reproduce what you say...

Can you give a complete example ?
Respond me by email at, it will be more easy to test.

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