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Nokia Contacts Sync Bug & Ru-translationRSS Feed

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smile Posted 2016-10-19 - 14:36

Dear Thomas & Memotoo Team!
First, let me thank you for an excellent service! There are however a few technical issues that I describe below.

When synchronizing the Contacts (Nokia E52 Symbian 34.001 --> MemoToo), the data in the "Telephone" field (TEL;VOICE) is lost, and only "Mobile", "Mobile (home)" and "Mobile (work)" are preserved.
Also, there is some inconsistency in handling more than two TEL entries of the same type. For example, a Nokia contact with (TEL;CELL;HOME:1 TEL;CELL;WORK:2 TEL;CELL;WORK:3) will map into (TEL;HOME;CELL:1 TEL;WORK;CELL:2 TEL;OTHER;CELL:3), while (TEL;VOICE;HOME:1 TEL;VOICE;WORK:2 TEL;VOICE;WORK:3) will become (TEL;HOME:1 TEL;WORK:2).

I wonder if you could look into this, especially in making sure that the data in TEL;VOICE (without "home/work" type) is automatically mapped to TEL;HOME. If you do not have time to implement it, is there any way to extract the raw .vfc data that is transferred to Memotoo by Nokia?

Also, Russian localization is frequently incorrect even if it is "OKeyed" (for example, "Messages" should read "Сообщения (SMS)"). I am happy to fix some of the occurrences if time allows.

Many thanks and best wishes,

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